Positive Birth Group Joins Lexington Maternity Scene
An international grassroots organization has found it’s way to Lexington, with a new chapter meeting to discuss pregnancy and childbirth this month.
The Positive Birth Movement-Lexington will host it’s first meeting on March 13 at The Birth Haven, giving expectant mothers a chance to meet with other moms and learn about different pregnancy topics.
The Positive Birth Movement was originally founded in the United Kingdom, but now has groups all over Europe, Australia, and North and South America. The organization does not advocate for any specific birth plan, just for the idea that all women deserve a respectful and peaceful childbirth experience.
Group leader and community advocate Chante Perryman said the monthly meetings will feature a guest speaker, a Q&A session, and then time for the women to just talk amongst themselves. She believes bringing expectant mothers together creates an opportunity for empathy and understanding.
“I knew having a group like this would benefit the expectant women of Lexington because it provides a space for them to talk with other ladies who are going through the same thing,” Perryman said. “For some, it may be their first child and for others it may be their second, third, or fourth. Either way, it will be a peaceful atmosphere of quality baby conversation.”
The scheduled topic for the March meeting is “Relieving Stress During Pregnancy.” Future meetings will focus on the benefits of a doula, the difference between a doctor and a midwife, placenta encapsulation and any other topics the women of the group may suggest.
The current session is scheduled for 6 p.m., but Perryman hopes to add a day session for moms who are unable to make the evening ones. Perryman plans to bring in local experts to give women a wide breadth of childbirth knowledge.
“Our goal is to inform women of their options and for them to not be afraid of birth,” she said. “Our bodies were created to bring forth life with minimal interruptions.”
For more information visit, www.positivebirthlexky.weebly.com or at www.facebook.com/groups/PositiveBirthLexKy.
Positive Birth Movement Meeting:
Thursday, March 13 at 6 p.m.
The Birth Haven, 2891 Richmond Rd. #206
Free, but preregistration is required