Library To Give Card to Every FCPS Student
The Lexington Public Library has teamed with Fayette County Public Schools to present special personalized library cards to all 40,000 local public school students.
The program began Sept. 14 with the presentation of cards to children at Arlington Elementary and will continue with cards presented in the coming weeks at Bryan Station Middle and Bryan Station High schools.
“They’ll have access to so much more by adding what the public library has to offer to what we can offer here ourselves,” Arlington librarian Barbara Carter said.
“Even while in school, they’ll be able to use their new card to get e-books and audiobooks and databases online.”
Mayor Jim Gray was on hand to help distribute the new cards at Arlington.
The new card, called the Student Success Card, will be presented to all other students in the local public school system next spring.
Each card has the name of the student and that student’s expected graduation date printed on it.
“We know there’s a strong correlation between use of the public library and success at school,” said Ann Hammond, executive director of the Lexington Public Library. Y