Hospice Accepts Referrals

Friends, Family, Doctors All Recommend Services

By Kim Livesay

Your loved ones deserve the very best care when they are sick.

Hospice of the Bluegrass is the expert in helping with pain, breathing and other issues, as well as providing needed medicines and supplies.

If you know someone who is seriously ill and could benefit from hospice care, it’s important to get that care as early as possible.

Many families say they wish they had called sooner.

Hospice of the Bluegrass receives referrals from many sources: patients themselves, their family or friends, other healthcare providers such as physician offices, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home health and other providers.

Once Hospice receives a referral, a staff member contacts the patient’s personal physician to ensure that the patient is eligible for admission.

The patient and/or family/caregiver is then contacted to set up a time to meet and explain hospice services.

At the time of admission, the hospice medical team will complete a comprehensive assessment of the patient/family needs.

The team will then develop a plan of care specific to the individual needs of each patient/family.

Please don’t put off this important decision.

Hospice of the Bluegrass is here to help and answer any questions.


Info: (855) 492-0812 or visit www.hospicebg.org.