Parenting Questions

Each month we consult with experts – our readers! – about parenting and ask a question on our Facebook page. December’s Question was:

What is your parenting New Year’s Resolution?

“I’d like to spend more time in 2018 doing family daytime trips. Now that our daughter is 3, she can participate in and enjoy more activities like the zoo, aquarium, dance classes, etc. Looking forward to a new year and a new age!” – Kimberly Boyd

“My New Year’s resolution is to say “No” to my kids more (no electronics, no overload of activities, no more ‘stuff’) and teach them the real value of family time. (Sitting together reading, putting puzzles together, going on walks, making a meal, etc.)” – Liz Wagner

“To teach my son the value of money and how to make good decisions.” – Jennifer Mount Chiles

“To sit down and play more with my kids and worry about the housework later!” –Alisha L. Brewer-McGee

January’s Feedback Question:


If your child were an animal what would he/she be and why?


Answer our Facebook question and you could be in the magazine!