Frankfort’s Capital Day School Builds Independent Learners

With its combination of small classes, enriched curriculum, and high academic expectations, Capital Day School in Frankfort has been creating independent learners for six decades.

As a non-sectarian independent school for children ages 3-14, Capital Day concentrates on teaching critical thinking skills, a love of learning and independent learning skills.

Capital Day’s preschool is a highly interactive setting. Children attend in multi-age classrooms, and there is a Montessori option.

In lower elementary, students begin on the Superkids Reading Program, Everyday Math, and project-based learning. Everyday Math, the Daily 5, Classroom Dojo and Academic Team are found in upper elementary, as are writing competitions.

Middle School students have inquiry-based science classes, 70 minutes of language arts instruction per day, geometry in 8th, curriculum-integrated class trips, and school-issued iPads.

CDS students have recess twice a day. Technology, P.E., music, art and Spanish are part of weekly instruction.

Capital Day graduates go on to success in local public and private high schools. The academic skills they acquire in their time at CDS prepare them to take A.P. classes beginning in 9th grade, score high on their ACT and SAT, and receive academic scholarships to the colleges of their choice.

The CDS model – small classes, challenging curriculum, opportunities for building critical thinking skills, innovative educators and involved families – is not found anywhere else in Franklin County. At CDS, we educate students to feel prepared for – and confident in – the academic and social settings they will encounter throughout their lives.