Talking to Relatives About Responsible Gun Storage

by Julia Finch, Lexington Be SMART Lead
‘Tis the season of awkward holiday conversations: Dad wants to know why you don’t call more often. Great-Aunt Mabel wonders when you’re going to get a real job. Uncle Joe wants to sell you on his Florida time-share. In most of these cases, you can make a quick escape. But there’s one awkward conversation that you should be having, and that’s about the potentially lethal combination of kids and unsecured guns.
Gun ownership is a personal decision, but responsible storage is a public safety issue. And a simple conversation with your relatives before you arrive for the holidays can help keep children out of harm’s way. Worried about bringing up the subject without upsetting anyone? Try these conversation starters over phone, text, or email:
Scenario #1: You know your family member is a gun owner
“Hi Aunt Sue! We’re looking forward to spending the holidays with you–the kids are so excited to see their cousins. I know I have never asked this before, but since we’ll all be together at your house, I thought I should find out: Are your guns locked, unloaded, and is the ammunition stored separately? Tommy and Ellie have been getting into everything these days. I’m happy to purchase gun locks if you don’t have them.”
Scenario #2: You don’t know whether or not your family member is a gun owner
“Hi Cindy, I’m checking off the list of things we need to get done before we come for the holidays! The kids can’t wait to see everyone, and I will be bringing my famous pumpkin pie. Since all the kids will be there and you know how curious they are (snooping for presents!), I thought I would ask: do you own any guns? If you do own guns, how do you store them?”
If she responds yes, you can follow up with: “Thanks for telling me. It’s important to me that they are stored locked and unloaded, with ammunition stored separately. I know that will help us all to have a relaxing and safe holiday!”
In the unlikely event that your relatives won’t confirm that they store guns responsibly or refuse to do so, make sure they know that you won’t allow your young children in their homes for the holidays.
Make it a SMART holiday season! Many unintentional shootings happen in the homes of relatives or friends. Never make assumptions when a child’s safety is at stake. It’s up to all of us to Be SMART for Kids:
Secure all guns in your homes and vehicles
Model responsible behavior around guns
Ask about the presence of unsecured guns in other homes
Recognize the role of guns in suicide
Tell your peers to Be SMART!
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