Michelle Watson Marra
“As a parent, you have to be present and involved. You also have to allow your children to make and learn from their own mistakes. It’s not easy.”
Moms Who Make a Difference
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
“As a parent, you have to be present and involved. You also have to allow your children to make and learn from their own mistakes. It’s not easy.”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
“Parenting is hard, and I make mistakes every day. However, when all is said and done, if my children know they are loved unconditionally by me and by God, I have done my job.”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
On Parenting: “My kids make me a better person every day. As I guide them, they guide me. Parenting is all trial and error. There are a lot of books with contradicting ideas. I don’t read them. I just stay focused on trying to raise decent human beings.”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
Mission Statement: “The Y has been a vehicle for me to work in the community to provide services to those in need. I do this for totally selfish reasons. I want to help make this a place to raise a family and live happy, healthy lives.”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
“Being a mother has been, and continues to be, a blessing, an honor and a privilege. Nurturing the success of children ensures that we all have a brighter future.”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
“It has been a true blessing to be the mother of my three beautiful daughters. I love being a mom and wouldn’t trade it for the world!”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
“As my daughter grows, I have to grow, too. Parents cannot cling to the past nor set the future in stone. They have to be responsive and trustworthy with their families in this present moment.”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
“Creating greater beauty and truth in the world. To serve the community in which I live. To stay informed of the larger world. To advocate for the voiceless. To live with integrity and joy.”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
“I have the privilege of working with families when they are at their most vulnerable and sensitive as they welcome a new baby. I get more satisfaction from supporting moms in following their inner wisdom and becoming the expert for their own baby than anything else. I believe we best serve families when we provide a warm, caring atmosphere that supports parents in achieving their own authentic parenting experience.”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
Eating well and being active are so basic to children’s well-being and development. As a culture we’ve let kids down in these areas. Children live in a world where fast food restaurants lure them with toys and mascots. Soda and energy drinks have all but displaced water, and children spend seven hours a day on average being entertained by an array of screens.