Children Spell Love T-I-M-E & A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N
How do you know when someone really loves you? They say or do something and you know in your deepest heart that you are uniquely valued by that person.
Moms Who Make a Difference
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
How do you know when someone really loves you? They say or do something and you know in your deepest heart that you are uniquely valued by that person.
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
Have you ever noticed? You’re in a hurry to go somewhere, and your child becomes resistant, slower, even cries and fusses? She spills her milk and you feel exasperated – one more mess to clean up.
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
A review of statistics about New Year’s resolutions suggests that the simple act of making a resolution makes it 10 times more likely that you will be successful than if you don’t make a vow to change.
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
My kids have lists a mile long! And anything we get will be forgotten in a week, and they will want more…” “It’s like there is never enough stuff!” “I feel like I’m not a good parent if I don’t get them everything they want.” No wonder the “season of giving” feels like the “season […]
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
When you were growing up, do you remember saying to yourself, “I will never do this to my children!” And now that you have children, you find yourself either doing the same thing, or trying to find the balance between what your parents did and the opposite extreme?
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
It is normal for children to go through a developmental phase where they become afraid of things that had not bothered them before.
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
A family where each member stares at his own screen could be a disconnected family.
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
“I get so tired of telling Meredith the same things over and over again. I end up yelling but she still won’t do what she is supposed to. How can I make her more obedient?”
A better question might be: Do you really want a child who is obedient to you?
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
You are walking through the mall with your 2½-year-old, finishing up that last errand before you head home. It’s naptime.
When she starts to whine, you know she is tired and needs some help, so you pick her up and carry her. Someone nearby says loudly enough for you to hear: “Don’t let her get her way. Make her walk!”
Positive Parenting/ Shortstuff
Over the past 25 years, the amount of time children spend experiencing their world in real time – slowly, without being efficient or productive (both adult terms) – has decreased significantly, some say by more than 25%.